about me

Meet ... Me

Hi! I'm Mustafa Günaytekin, an architect and photographer based in Stuttgart, Germany. Let me try to give you an overview of who I am.

What inspired me to pursue architecture and photography?

I deeply enjoy translating ideas into different forms just as much as I appreciate understanding and capturing the essence of existing things. Architecture, in particular, allows me to encapsulate beauty and ideas into spaces, watching individuals experience and benefit from them—one person at a time. This interaction brings great joy and satisfaction. Similarly, photography enables me to use my trained eye to capture elusive details and moments. Through my photos, I can share discoveries that might otherwise remain unseen by others.

What are some projects that I am particularly proud of?

I wouldn’t say I take pride in specific projects alone, as I believe there’s always room for improvement in any creative endeavor. Instead, my pride comes from the process—seeing beauty emerge through my work as though I'm simply a conduit for it. The true gratification for me lies in the satisfaction my clients express and the dedication I apply to each challenge. It’s not merely pride; it’s a profound sentiment mixed with gratitude for my creativity and imagination.

How has my approach to my creative work evolved over time?

Coming from a physics background, my initial focus was on achieving ultimate precision and realism in my creative work. While realism remains a vital method to convey my vision, I’ve learned the importance of capturing the essence or 'soul' of a project. Now, my approach involves precisely expressing this essence using simpler, yet more focused techniques that consider various aspects beyond just architectural elements.

How do I stay creative and inspired in my work?

Creativity is fundamentally a structured and consistent practice. While intense bursts of inspiration can occur spontaneously, the key is to cultivate inspiration during regular work hours. A particular book called 'The Artist's Way' by Julia Cameron greatly enhanced my understanding of this discipline, helping me solidify consistency in my artistic processes.

What is my favorite architectural style?

Although an architect should be adaptable to any project, I particularly relish designing in response to the existing natural or urban environment. For me, transforming an empty space into something profound is far more rewarding than merely adding new elements that might diminish its original potential. My preferred approach to construction combines natural materials and brutalist techniques while carefully using modern elements to subtly enhance their inherent qualities.

What is a common misconception about architecture?

Architecture transcends mere building. At its core, it is the art of transforming ideas into tangible forms, unbound by traditional constraints. This is where architecture's true artistic expression emerges. An idea in architecture could be inspired by anything—from a melancholic dance or the dynamics of swimming, to the simple beauty of a flower or the complexity of emotions like surprise or fear. The resulting form is theoretically limitless, scaling from the minute to the monumental. Of course, part of the architectural challenge is ensuring these forms are functional for realization and often habitation. However, these practical requirements are merely steps in the architectural process, not the essence of architecture itself.

' An idea without form is like a soul without a body. '

How would my friends and colleagues describe me?

I don’t typically analyze myself through specific characteristics. Instead, I focus on strengthening my morals to persevere through even the toughest situations. Thus, I often rely on the honest opinions of others to understand myself better. Consistently, they describe me as energizing, kind, and helpful, sometimes also crazy.

What is my Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)?

Personally, I consider myself a mix of traits, but the personality tests I take annually often classify me as an ENFJ-A.

What are my goals for the next five years?

Although I am grateful for my life in Stuttgart, my true aspiration is to contribute to creative and beneficial projects in communities worldwide. I yearn to explore new facets of my craft, meet diverse people, and immerse myself in different cultures.

Why do I speak English fluently despite growing up in Germany?

Although I grew up in Germany, my proficiency in English developed out of necessity and genuine interest. During architecture school, I formed a close friendship with a peer who was more comfortable speaking English than German. This relationship motivated me to improve my English skills to communicate better. Over the years, as I expanded my circle to include friends from around the world, using English became second nature. Today, I use English extensively in both my professional and personal life, embracing it as a vital tool for expression and connection.

What's the most unexpected source of inspiration I've encountered?

Once, while walking in the middle of nowhere on a deserted island, a car pulled up beside me. An old man inside offered me a ride. When I mentioned I was an architect, he chuckled and said, 'Oh, so you think you're an architect? Good, come with me. You'll learn more in three days than you did in three years of architecture school.' He was right. That man was a construction genius who had built incredible structures without any industrial machines or products, creating the most remarkable built environment I've ever seen.

Outside of work, what are your passions or hobbies?

Fortunately, my work often intersects with my passions like design and communication. Beyond professional pursuits, I find ultimate contentment in nature, where I read the world's hidden signs both outside and within. Strolling through the wild, armed with knowledge, experience, and trust, I see how the world provides everything needed, presenting just enough challenges to strengthen us.

During these explorations, I delight in discovering new combinations of colors, shapes, and sensations, as well as forging connections with people whose diverse life experiences offer refreshing perspectives.

My hobbies also include playing the piano and guitar, drawing, painting, and engaging in thrilling activities like horse riding, skating, and surfing, where I can truly feel the wind and motion.

If I was not working in architecture what would I've done?

Becoming a modern pirate, I envision exploring the seas with a loyal crew, offering help to people wherever our adventures take us.